Website editor

Mimouna Riads
Palmeraie Bab Atlas – Propriété dite Taabert
Commune El Ouidane
40000 Marrakech

Publishing Manager: Mr Perez

Website hosting

2 rue Kellermann
59100 Roubaix – France


Jean-François Hénane

Creation and development

Yes You Web!

Intellectual property

In general, the texts, information, logos, visual identities, animated or still images and their formatting, videos, appearing on the Site are the property of Mimouna Riads and are protected as such by the provisions of the Intellectual Property Code.

The Internet user undertakes to make personal and non-commercial use of the information contained on the Site. In the event of non-compliance with the provisions of these legal notices, by the Internet user, his civil and/or criminal liability may be incurred.